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Art Next Expo
PMQ (Hong Kong)
2017.10.06 - 2017.10.09

Sleeping: with a hand on belly

Sleeping: on a patterned blanket

Sleeping: in one side
2017 | Oil on canvas | a set of three | 150 cm x 70 cm each

Street 03 | 街道 03

Raincoat, Tubes and Handcarts 雨衣、水喉、手推車
2017 | Acrylic and oil on canvas | a set of two | 80 cm x 60 cm each
2017 | Acrylic and oil on canvas | 80 cm x 100 cm
In October 2017, a group of around 80 young talents representing the next generation of artists will gather at Art Next Expo in Hong Kong, the international art hub and a gateway to China.

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